We've seen many changes over the past couple of months with Mike reducing his working hours and the appointment of Geoff as our Parish Missioner. I mentioned my hope that later in the year another person would come to work in Chelmsley Wood but that I couldn’t give you details before it was all signed and sealed.

Well now it is! It’s sealed and signed! The green light is on! We have lift off! Thunderbirds are go! Spectrum is green! Sorry, no more references to 1960's TV programmes. From the 1st September, Revd Andi Thomas will be joining us as the Pioneer Minister for Chelmsley Wood. Andi, his wife Briony, and their two boys Jonah and Elijah will move onto Chelmsley in June-July; they will be around a couple of days a week through August in advance of the new role beginning in September.
Andi’s focus will be to work with people living on 'The Wood' with a view to creating a new worshipping community. That’s where the “pioneering” bit comes in; it’s about engaging with people and families who don’t currently hang out in church; telling them about God’s love and inviting them to follow Jesus. It’s really exciting. We’re praying that God will build his Kingdom on The Wood.
Please join in and pray that prayer every day.
"We're really excited by Andi and Briony's vision of and commitment to this missional opportunity on Chelmsley Wood. We're also grateful to Bishop David, Bishop Anne and the Church Commissioners for sharing and investing in this vision. Andi, Briony and the boys have moved onto the estate and the project is already underway. Hospitality is at the heart of who they are and what they do. Their new home is already open to children and neighbours. We can't wait to see how God will move and bless."
There’s no text book for establishing new groups of disciples, so we’re being prayerful and trying to listen to what God may be saying. It would be great if you would join in the process of praying; listening; planning and building..